Class 7 Science
Nutrition in Plants Notes
Nutrients- Carbohydrate, Protein, fats, vitamins and minerals are components of food. These components of food are called nutrients.
Nutrition- Nutrition is the mode of taking food by an organism and its utilisation by the body.
All organisms take food for build there bodies, to grow, to repair damaged parts of their bodies.
Autotrophs- (auto= self; trophos= nourishment) That organism make own food themselves are called autotrophs. like- green plants.
Heterotrophs- (heteros= other; trophos= nourishment)They dependent on other organism for nutrition, They cannot make own food themselves are called heterotrophs. Like- Human, Animals and some plants.
Stomata- Tiny pores are present on the surface of leaves are called stomata.
Vessels- Vessels are like a pipes, They form a continuous path or passage for the nutrients to reach the leaf. They are called Vessels.
Chlorophyll- The leaves have a green pigment called chlorophyll.
Photosynthesis- (Photo= Light; synthesis= to prepare) it is a process in which Green plants prepare own food with the help of carbon dioxide and water in presence of sunlight and chlorophyll are photosynthesis.
Sunlight and Chlorophyll are essential requirement for photosynthesis.
Oxygen is released during photosynthesis.
Algae- These are generally found in ponds or stagnant water bodies. These are generally formed by the growth of organisms are called algae. It is slimy and green patches.
Algae- These are generally found in ponds or stagnant water bodies. These are generally formed by the growth of organisms are called algae. It is slimy and green patches.
Host- They cannot take food another plant are called host.
Parasites- That organism live on other body
All Parasitic plants feed on other plants
Parasites are two types-
(i) Partial parasites- obtain some of their nutrion on the host.Example- painted Cup
(ii) Total Parasites- These are totally dependent on host for nutrition. Example- mistletoe
Insectivorous Plants- Some Green Plants are obtain nourishment partly from soil, atmosphere and partly from insects are Insectivorous plants.Examples - pitcher plant, venus fly trap etc.
Sapritrophic Nutrition- The mode of nutrition in which organisms take in nutrients from dead and decaying matter is called Saprotrophic nutrition.
Symbiosis- Some Organism live together and share both shelter and nutrients. This relationship is called Symbiosis. Examples- Certain fungi live inside the roots of plants.
In Lichens A chlorophyll Containing partner, which is an alga, and a fungus live together. The fungus provides shelter, water and minerals to the alga and in return, the alga prepare and provide food to the fungus.